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The Professional’s Guide to Choosing a Document Scanner

The Professional’s Guide to Choosing a Document Scanner

Are you looking for a fast document scanner that handles any job? Choosing the right one depends largely on your business needs. The different scanners on the market can handle just about everything from small photographs to giant posters, and the cost range is just as broad. We’ve looked at countless reviews and your needs in searching for a fast document scanner.

Types of Scanners

Choosing the correct type of document scanner for your business starts with understanding the two main types: portable and desktop.
 Portable document scanners range from $60 to $500 for the most elaborate, advanced ones. These are designed to be easy to transport from place to place, so if you have a lot of on-the-go business meetings, they’re handy.
Portable scanners are further subdivided into handheld, wireless and foldable scanners. The quality varies, but handheld ones generally provide the least quality, and you get what you pay for. They rarely provide the quality of larger desktop scanners.
Desktop scanners, on the other hand, are larger and stationary. They offer high speed and automation, and some even scan documents. Higher-end ones may even automatically correct errors like upside-down documents. Many of the largest, most advanced models can exceed $5,000 and even be as high as $15,000.

Knowing Your Business

It’s important to know your business. Understanding your needs and budget will guide your final decision. Nobody wants to go too cheap, but there’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars for a scanner that does way more than you will ever need. Remember, the more expensive the machine, the more costly repairs will likely be as well.

Before you start researching, ask yourself what exactly your needs might be. Everyone wants a fast scanner, but is it more important to have speed or accuracy? Do you have the space for a larger one? What’s your budget?

What to Consider

When you’ve defined your needs, determine the features you want. First, ask yourself what you are scanning. Is it text documents with a need for character recognition? Is it images? If so, do you need full-color capabilities and high resolution?

Next, consider whether the device will integrate with your system. After all, the point of a scanner is to digitize documents, and it must work with your file storage. Be sure you have the necessary compatible software and file storage type.

Do you need the ability to update documents? You don’t want to overwrite old documents that you must keep for compliance and reference purposes. You also may need living documents that change as you go. The scanner you choose should handle either.

Still Not Sure? Let Us Help

If you’re still not quite sure where to go to find the fast document scanner for you, we’re ready to help. Just give us a call, and we will help you with professional knowledge on the topic. Let us guide you to the right choice. Contact Vegas Ink and Toner or give us a call today!

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